Take load Омск, Омская обл. - Новосибирск, Новосибирская обл.; request 2164

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05.09.2024 / 08:38, №2164
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Loading ru Омск, Омская обл.
Unloading ru Новосибирск, Новосибирская обл.

644 km

Loading Loading

09.09 - 10.09

Vehicle type Vehicle type

Closed (curtainsider, box, car, etc.)

Loading/unloading type Loading/unloading type

Back, Side

Options Options

Separate vehicle

Cargo Cargo

Биг-беги 20 t Total: Total: 20 t

Additional information Additional information

Not specified

Desired price Desired price

38 000 RUB cash/card 40 000 RUB VAT incl.

papacargo papacargo papacargo